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September 2017 Archives

Head injuries you can suffer in a trucking accident

While there are several injuries that you could suffer during a trucking accident in California, one of the most dangerous types is a brain injury. Damage to your brain can cause emotional, physical and mental effects that can last for months or even the rest of your life. We at E and E Law Group can work to ensure that you get the compensation you deserve so that you can recover and heal from your injuries.

Can I still get a ticket for lane-splitting?

The state of California made headlines across the country recently when it became the first state to legalize lane-splitting for motorcycle drivers. Although several studies and expert opinions backed up this move as being safest for those on two wheels as well as beneficial for all other drivers on the road, many drivers are still confused about the details involved in this controversial law.

"Break a leg" has a whole other meaning in a motorcycle accident

It's tradition for actors to tell each other to "break a leg" before they begin a performance. However, it would be in poor taste to say the same to you as you take off on your motorcycle. Since you don't enjoy the same protections as someone in a vehicle with a passenger cabin, you could easily suffer a broken leg in an accident.

The financial cost of a car accident

Car accidents in California can stress your emotions and your health, but they can also weigh heavily on your pocketbook. Understanding the extent of financial damage that a car accident can cause might help you determine exactly how much you need to be fully-compensated. We at E and E Law Group can fight to ensure that you receive everything you deserve as you recover physically, mentally, emotionally and financially from a car accident.

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