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June 2017 Archives

Failure to yield: who has the right of way?

One of the most common causes of motorcycle accidents in California and around the country is failure to yield during a left-hand turn. When drivers of any type of vehicle incorrectly assume the right-of-way, the results can be dangerous and, in some instances, even deadly. A great way to protect yourself from accidents caused by this mistake is to be educated on who has the right of way in any situation and be aware of the other cars around you.

The dangers of increasing hazardous materials carriers

While inattentive drivers, distractions and alcohol can all contribute to more dangerous conditions on California’s state roads, there is another factor that is not as easily recognized by most drivers but can make commuting deadlier than it has been in the past. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has recently come out with a new report that shows an increase in the number of active hazardous materials carriers sharing the roads with passenger cars, meaning that the risk of exposure and incidents are even greater than they were before.

What is California’s new interlock ignition law?

Lawmakers in California are attempting to make the roads a safer place by reducing the number of car accidents caused by drunk drivers. According to Mothers Against Drunk Drivers, a new law will take effect on January 1, 2019. This law will offer new guidelines on the use of ignition interlocks in hopes that fewer intoxicated drivers will be allowed on the state’s roads.

Should I accept a settlement offer after a car accident?

Even a minor car accident can cause significant financial damage, and you may find yourself dealing with significant burdens that you cannot manage alone. If your car accident was not your fault, but happened as the result of the negligent or reckless actions of another driver, you may have the option to seek financial compensation for your losses.

New motorcycle law in California

Cruising along the highways and byways of California can be thrilling, but doing so illegally can lead to jail time or a fine. If you or a loved one operate a motorcycle on the state’s roadways, it is important that you are aware of the laws that control what you can and cannot do. We at E and E Law Group not only work to help you get the compensation you deserve in the event of an accident, we also provide education about how to safely use these vehicles.

Large truck cargo safety

When you are responsible for driving large trucks on the roadways of California, there are several things you need to remember in order to keep yourself and other drivers around you safe. One of those is the necessity of carefully inspecting your cargo before getting behind the wheel. We at E and E Law Group are here to help in case of an accident, but can also provide the information you need to prevent crashes from ever occurring.

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