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January 2017 Archives

How important is wearing a helmet?

While helmeting laws vary in each state, neglecting this important piece of protection can land you in the hospital with life-changing injuries if you are involved in a motorcycle crash. The Neuroscience Institute at the University Hospital states that only 20 states and the District of Columbia require helmets to be worn by all riders. There are four states that do not require you to wear helmets at all and the remaining states mandate use by riders of a certain age. California requires all motorcycle riders to wear helmets, and a study reported by the institute details why this is necessary for your safety.

Federal laws for truck drivers

All motorists are subject to certain laws and penalties designed to protect those who travel the roads. Commercial truck operators in California and other states must adhere to even stricter laws than other drivers due to the increased weight and force that a large truck brings to a crash. The New York Times claims that, while 30,000 people are claimed as road fatalities each year, a surprising one in seven of those deaths are due to collisions with tractor trailers. More of these crashes are caused by fatigue than by drugs or alcohol, making it vital for truck operators to avoid driving drowsy.

A distracted driver is an accident waiting to happen

It is likely that nearly all young drivers in California are incredulous when they find out it was once common for drivers and their passengers to forgo the use of seatbelts, even after their use became law. Perhaps future generations of drivers will be just as amazed to learn how common distracted driving is today, despite the laws in place aimed at ending the dangerous practice.

In California, lane-splitting is determined legal and safe

Lane-splitting has always been a controversial topic when it comes to the safety of motorcycle riders and other drivers. In September, California made history by making the practice formally acceptable, something no other state had done, according to the Los Angeles Times.

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