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March 2017 Archives

What are the most common causes of fatal motorcycle accidents?

If you are getting ready to get on a motorcycle and take a ride in California, it is important to know what the most common causes of motorcycle accidents are so you can be prepared. The Insurance Information Institute explains what the accidents of 2015 show for motorcyclists.

What are the DUI penalties for truck drivers?

While all drivers will be penalized for operating their vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, if you are an operator with a commercial driver’s license, you must adhere to stricter rules than those driving a regular passenger vehicle. The State of California Department of Motor Vehicles details the laws that CDL drivers must follow and the penalties that may be invoked if those rules are broken.

Do helmets cause neck injuries in motorcycle accidents?

The myth that helmets can cause a motorcycle rider’s neck to get broken in a crash has been circulating for years, but you may be wondering if that is really true. The Motorcycle Safety Foundation released a study answering this question for motorcyclists in California and around the country.

How does daylight savings affect drivers?

The time change in springtime can bring longer days and more sunlight for California residents, but it can also mean more dangerous road conditions. Time.com reports on the reasons why this controversial program may not be best for driver and pedestrian safety and what you need to be prepared for when that fateful Sunday morning rolls around.

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