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November 2016 Archives

Tips for safe passenger transport on motorcycles

When a driver decides to transport a passenger via motorcycle, there are many factors that need to be considered first. Each state has its own laws about multiple riders on a two-wheeled vehicle, and that includes California. According to the Official California Legislative Information, in order for the vehicle to carry more than one person, the motorcycle must be equipped with either a sidecar meant for carrying passengers or a secure seat attached behind the driver. If both riders are on seats instead of in a sidecar, there must also be available footrests for each person.

NHTSA adds new standard to help protect pedestrians from accidents

There are many technological advances that make cars on the road today not only more safe than they once were, but more enjoyable to drive. One such feature is receiving criticism from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) for its potential to make life more dangerous for pedestrians that may encounter these vehicles.

How to stop California trucking accidents

While there are many crashes involving large trucks every day in the United States, some areas experience more accidents than others. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that one of the highest states for large truck occupant fatalities in 2015 was California with 31 deaths. Across the state, there were 296 deaths in large truck accidents, meaning less than 10 percent of deaths were drivers and passengers in the trucks and over 90 percent of victims were occupants of the other vehicles involved. There are several things drivers can do to decrease these numbers.

Thousands of trucks placed out-of-service after inspection blitz

Commercial trucks play an important role in our economy. They help transport goods from manufacturer to retailer and help provide everyone with the things they need. From groceries to diapers, the trucking industry plays an important role in our everyday lives.

Tips to safely share the road with motorcycles

Every day, there are crashes involving motorcyclists. The California Office of Traffic Safety reports that there were 519 motorcycle rider deaths across the state in 2014. Sharing the road is the responsibility of all drivers, but there are certain things other motorists can do to make traveling safer for those on two wheels.

Driver distractions: beyond electronic devices

Getting behind the wheel of a vehicle in California is a big responsibility, and whether a person is planning to travel across the state or make a short trip to the local supermarket, there is always the risk of a crash. The likelihood of a motor vehicle accident increases dramatically when the driver is distracted.

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