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December 2016 Archives

Understanding the dangers of truck driver fatigue

From icy roads to driving while under the influence of drugs and alcohol, there are a plethora of reasons why truck accidents happen. However, some are the result of truck driver fatigue, which occurs when truckers are dangerously tired and put the lives of others at risk by getting behind the wheel. In Van Nuys, California, truck drivers have a responsibility to stay off the road if they are too tired and should understand the risks that driving while fatigued presents.

Your options after the wrongful death of a loved one

The unexpected loss of a loved one is traumatic and painful, especially if the reckless or negligent actions of another person caused his or her death. In addition to the emotional pain and suffering you could be feeling, medical bills and other end-of-life expenses can also cause you and your family additional suffering.

Reviewing car accident statistics in California

Each day, drivers put their lives at risk when they get behind the wheel. Sadly, even the most responsible drivers may find themselves involved in a car crash that causes debilitating injuries or the loss of life. In Van Nuys, and all across California, many of these crashes are caused by reckless drivers. In order to prevent additional wrecks from occurring, it is essential for drivers to understand how widespread these incidents truly are across the entire state.

Preparing for wet roads in California

While some parts of the country welcome winter with freezing blizzards and ice storms, residents in Van Nuys, California, enjoy pleasant temperatures and sunshine year-round. Despite the warmer winters, there is still a significant increase in rainfall from October to April, with World Weather Online reporting a spike in the month of February. Wet roads make it important for drivers in this area to prepare for winter driving weather to avoid accidents this season.

Federal agencies aim to reduce trucking accidents

While California drivers can make a big difference in the reduction of truck accidents, compliance safety programs are also making efforts to ensure that bigger vehicles are in top condition to avoid crashes resulting from malfunctions and mistakes. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration constantly works to improve motorist safety in situations involving large trucks and has implemented a Compliance, Safety, Accountability program as a result.

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