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"Break a leg" has a whole other meaning in a motorcycle accident

It's tradition for actors to tell each other to "break a leg" before they begin a performance. However, it would be in poor taste to say the same to you as you take off on your motorcycle. Since you don't enjoy the same protections as someone in a vehicle with a passenger cabin, you could easily suffer a broken leg in an accident.

Thinking of a broken leg might conjure up images of a cast on which you can hobble around for anywhere from six to eight weeks, but a broken bone in your leg could require much more than just some plaster and crutches. You could be out of work for some time and may incur a significant amount of medical expenses depending on the extent and severity of your injury.

What complications can occur with a broken leg?

Whether you only broke your leg in one place, suffered multiples breaks or fractures or suffered a compound fracture, you could encounter a number of complications that could delay your recovery or even threaten your life. Some of those complications include the following:

  • Compartment syndrome: This can occur after an impact such as a motorcycle accident. The pain and swelling that characterize this neuromuscular condition can cause damage to the muscles near and around the break.
  • Bone infection: Open fractures (also called compound fractures) can sometimes lead to osteomyelitis, which is a serious infection of the bone. Bacteria or fungi can get into the bone because it lacks the protection ordinarily given by the skin and other tissues that ordinarily surround it.
  • Poor or delayed healing: Severe fractures can take an inordinate amount of time to heal. For instance, due to blood flow issues, a compound fracture to your shinbone (the tibia) could take an extraordinary amount of time to heal, if it heals completely.
  • Damage to blood vessels or nerves: When bones break, they can affect the surrounding blood vessels and nerves, which can lead to long lasting or permanent damage.
  • Ankle or knee pain: Your ankle or knee could experience significant pain due to the broken bone, which could cause you to hesitate in bearing weight on your leg.

Even a simple bone break requiring nothing more than a cast can put you out of commission for a significant amount of time. Any of these complications or the need for surgery could extend your recovery time. When all is said and done, your leg may never quite function the same again.

You may have legal options

The financial losses you may incur from a broken leg could be significant depending on the circumstances, and more than likely, it was not your only injury. If another motorist's negligence caused your injuries, you may be able to seek compensation through the filing of a personal injury claim in a California civil court. You may want to consider obtaining advice and assistance as you move forward with your claim.

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