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Posts tagged "Car Accidents"

Protect yourself down the road following a car wreck

Right after you have been involved in a collision caused by another driver, your emotions run high, and panic may start to set in. Naturally, your biggest concern is seeking medical help for any potential injuries. You may also be preoccupied with the damage done to your car.

How can I keep my teen safe on the road this summer?

With the summer holidays fast approaching, you may be wondering how you can keep your teen safe on California’s roads. Whether your child will be the driver or will be the passenger, you will want to do everything you can as a parent to be sure that he or she will be safe in any situation. Here are some great suggestions from Improv Traffic School.

How does daylight savings affect drivers?

The time change in springtime can bring longer days and more sunlight for California residents, but it can also mean more dangerous road conditions. Time.com reports on the reasons why this controversial program may not be best for driver and pedestrian safety and what you need to be prepared for when that fateful Sunday morning rolls around.

I was injured in a motor vehicle accident; what will be covered?

The day probably started out like any other: the alarm clock goes off and you're up, rushing around to get breakfast, loading everyone into the car and then dropping the kids off before you head into work through busy California traffic. Then, without warning, another car runs a red light and smashes right into you, and everything changes.

What should I do if I am in a car accident?

If you have ever been involved in a crash, you know the sickening feeling that the sound of crunching metal can bring. The aftermath can be confusing and leave those who are involved disoriented, which is why it is important for all California drivers to know what to do before they find themselves in this situation. The State Bar of California details things you should know in case of an accident.

A distracted driver is an accident waiting to happen

It is likely that nearly all young drivers in California are incredulous when they find out it was once common for drivers and their passengers to forgo the use of seatbelts, even after their use became law. Perhaps future generations of drivers will be just as amazed to learn how common distracted driving is today, despite the laws in place aimed at ending the dangerous practice.

Reviewing car accident statistics in California

Each day, drivers put their lives at risk when they get behind the wheel. Sadly, even the most responsible drivers may find themselves involved in a car crash that causes debilitating injuries or the loss of life. In Van Nuys, and all across California, many of these crashes are caused by reckless drivers. In order to prevent additional wrecks from occurring, it is essential for drivers to understand how widespread these incidents truly are across the entire state.

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