Immediately after a major accident happens in California, it can be difficult to know how much recovery will take place and what your future will look like. When it comes to long-term disability care, the costs may be much higher than you realize. We at E and E Law Group work to make sure our clients get enough compensation to take care of every type of cost that can arise during long-term disability care.
While thousands of dollars will likely be spent visiting doctors and hospitals, many people do not realize the other costs that can occur when you assume responsibility for a disabled loved one. states that many different aspects of your life can be affected, starting with your family relationships. As the increased time and work is put into a care plan, your other family members can suffer neglect. Relationships can become strained and children can be forced to care for themselves.
Career prospects are also often affected. Some adults are required to leave their job entirely to care for a loved one, costing an average of $300,000 each year in benefits and income lost. Even if you are able to continue working, more than half of all adults find that the new circumstances negatively impact their jobs, either through the loss of a promotion or reduced hours.
Your mental health is also at risk as the primary caregiver. A huge 40 to 70 percent of those who provide care to older adult family members reported significant depression symptoms. To learn more about the costs associated with providing long-term disability care, visit our web page.
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