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Head injuries you can suffer in a trucking accident

While there are several injuries that you could suffer during a trucking accident in California, one of the most dangerous types is a brain injury. Damage to your brain can cause emotional, physical and mental effects that can last for months or even the rest of your life. We at E and E Law Group can work to ensure that you get the compensation you deserve so that you can recover and heal from your injuries.

According to Harvard Medical School, there are several different types of hematomas that can occur in a trucking accident. If you suffer whiplash and your head is jerked violently, an acute subdural hematoma can occur. About half of those who experience this injury will die, but all can experience tears in blood vessels that causes blood to collect between the brain's surface and the outermost membrane. An epidural hematoma, on the other hand, also involves torn blood vessels, but typically involves a fractured skull as well. A third type is a chronic subdural hematoma. This form involves slower bleeding over several weeks, but can result in mild paralysis and seizures.

Another brain injury that is common during trucking accidents is a skull fracture. If the bones of your skull are fractured, the surface of your brain may also be bruised. Sometimes, bone fragments and shattered pieces can press into your brain and cause additional damage.

Concussions are also very common type of brain injury in accidents. You may have a concussion if you have ringing in your ears, dizziness or memory loss. For more information, please visit our web page.

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