Fighting For The Victims Of Trucking Accidents

A loaded semi can weigh up to 80,000 pounds. This makes them difficult to control and extremely dangerous when they collide with another vehicle. Some of the most catastrophic injuries are suffered in trucking accidents, including:

  • Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
  • Spinal cord injuries (paralysis, paraplegia, quadriplegia)
  • Neck and back injuries
  • Amputations
  • Burns
  • Internal injuries

Recovering from such severe injuries requires extensive medical care that could place an unbelievable financial burden on you and your family. How do you ensure that you are fully compensated for all your losses?

A Strong Investigation Is The Right Foundation For An Effective Case

Trucking accidents are often complex. There may be multiple parties responsible for the accident ranging from the trucking company to the driver or the manufacturer of a defective part to the company that failed to load materials properly. A thorough investigation will examine the cause of the accident and identify the proper responsible parties. It will also catalog all of the injuries suffered and what care is necessary now and down the road to help you get your life back.

We Know How To Fight The Insurance Companies

Because these cases involve such serious injuries, the levels of compensation in question are substantial. The insurance companies know this and will fight accordingly to deny or minimize any claims. They will expend substantial resources to keep from having to make a major payout.

Decades Of Combined Experience

At E & E Law Group, our firm understands how to successfully fight even the most challenging efforts of insurance companies. We have decades of experience working to secure the best possible results for people. Our experience, combined with the skills we have honed during those years, allows us to truly help people when they need it most. Attorney Sam Ekizian is a law professor who helped train other attorneys. He also served as a defense attorney for insurance companies against claims. His insider knowledge of how the insurance companies think about major cases such as these can be invaluable to helping you.

Truck Accident Attorneys Serving Van Nuys And Throughout California

Do not attempt to work out a settlement with the insurance companies after a trucking accident. Turn to E & E Law Group. To schedule a free initial consultation with one of our lawyers, call 818-510-4444 or contact us online.